Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Governor not going forward with cut to Regional School Transportation funds


At around 1:00 pm yesterday, I received a message from the Governor's office that the Governor's proposed "9C" cut to Regional School Transportation would not be going forward.

The Governor was directing his Secretary of Administration and Finance to not move forward and the Governor's office would be making a statement to the public sometime today.

This is all of the information I have at this time. While the reasons for the Governor's decision are not yet clear, I have to believe that it is partly due to the pressure many of you have exerted on the Governor since these cuts were first proposed; through emails, letters and phone calls to him.

Thank you for your advocacy. I will relay any further information I have to you as soon as I get it.


Thursday, December 10, 2009


Last week, the Patrick-Murray administration released $5.5 million dollars to cities and town in Western and Central Massachusetts to reimburse costs related to the ice storm that hit much of Berkshire, Franklin and Hampshire counties one year ago. The Federal Emergency Management Agency has committed to reimbursing local towns for 75% of the costs of emergency response and cleanup due to this disaster. This additional money from the Commonwealth will be used to pick up a portion of the remaining 25% which towns are responsible for. This once in a century storm was a major burden on many communities in the 2nd Berkshire District, and these funds should help to reduce some of that strain on local finances.

In addition to this funding, Governor Patrick recently signed legislation passed by the House and Senate which places new standards on public utility companies and holds them accountable if they fail to restore power in a timely manner during an emergency. On top of allowing the Department of Public Utilities to impose a fine of up to $250,000 a day if power is not restored during a state of emergency, the legislation also gives the agency new oversight and regulatory powers over utilities. The law requires all utility companies to submit emergency response plans, and the attorney general may petition the courts to place a company into receivership if they fail to take necessary actions in a disaster. Each of these tools will decrease response time after an emergency, and ensure the best possible utility service for Massachusetts residents.

To view the press release sent by the Governor, which includes a list of the amount each town will receive, click on the link below:

New office hours in Hinsdale

In response to the constituent interest has been so high that Rep. Guyer has decided to add Hinsdale to the office hour’s schedule. Every Friday from 8:30-12:00, either Rep Guyer or his District Aide, Stephanie Gravalese-Wood, will be on hand to speak with constituents about state related issues. “Hundreds of constituents have been served through this new schedule, and I am pleased to add another town to the weekly rotation” says Rep. Guyer.

Residents of any of the 22 towns that make up the Second Berkshire District are welcome. Appointments are not necessary but encouraged. Please contact District Aide, Stephanie Gravalese-Wood at 413-358-3354.

Rep Guyer Channel on YouTube

In addition to being available online on Pittsfield Community Television, ‘The Denis Guyer Show” is also available on YouTube! Check out the Rep Denis Guyer Channel on YouTube for clips and soon to include events from around the Second Berkshire District and events from the State House.
Rep Denis Guyer on YouTube

Monday, December 7, 2009

"A day that will live in infamy"

Sixty Eight years ago this morning, 2,402 Americans lost their lives (1,282 wounded) in the surprise dawn air raid at Pearl Harbor.

The surprise and unprovoked attack on the US Naval Base by Japan initiated America’s entry into World War II. During his famous “Infamy” speech to the Congress on December 8, 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt stated:

“Always will we remember the character of the onslaught against us. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory. I believe I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost, but will make very certain that this form of treachery shall never endanger us again. Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory and our interests are in grave danger. With confidence in our armed forces - with the unbounding determination of our people - we will gain the inevitable triumph - so help us God. “

At the moment he was giving this address, it was unclear to the President and his military staff just what the total extent of the damage was to the United States Pacific Fleet. Some were convinced that the attack at Pearl Harbor was the beginning of other air attacks soon to hit the west coast. A few military analysts believed that a Japanese ground force invasion of California was imminent. By all accounts the United States was not prepared to enter the conflict in terms of either machinery or manpower. The United States was not yet prepared to go to war.

Given the immense military power of both Japan and Germany, seen almost as unstoppable forces at the time, the outcome, in fact the fate of our nation was completely uncertain. Some had long been advocating against the United States’ involvement in a global conflict, arguing that appeasement in the face of this overwhelming force was the only way we could remain independent.

In the weeks and months after Pearl Harbor, and upon hearing Roosevelt’s call, millions of Americans volunteered to serve in the military or joined the war effort in some other way. At the end of the war over 400,000 had given their lives to stop tyranny and genocide and to ultimately preserve our way of life and the freedoms we currently enjoy today. All of us can remember the stories of our family members who were part of this “greatest generation” and as I think back with pride on the contributions and sacrifices made by my grandfather, his siblings and their friends in that conflict I must remember that we would live in a much different and darker world had they not stood up to defend their country in one of its darkest and neediest hours.

It is hard to imagine what the world we live in today would be like if the Empire of Japan and Nazi Germany had prevailed over the allies. But in December 1941 the "grave danger" Roosevelt warned of was a very real possibility. What is certain is that our rights and freedoms that we cherish as United States citizens would have been lost forever and the horrific genocide perpetrated by the Nazi’s against the Jewish people and others in Europe would certainly have been globalized.

As we go about our busy lives today I think it is important to take a moment to remember and reflect upon all of those who died not only at Pearl Harbor but in the ensuing four-year conflict that followed. And, if you are lucky enough to still have a veteran from that conflict in your life perhaps take some time to say thanks while you still can.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Second Episode of "The Denis Guyer Show" and Office Hours Annoucement

New episode of “The Denis Guyer Show”

Representative Guyer is excited to share that the second episode of “The Denis Guyer Show” will air on local cable access networks. The second episode features Registrar Rachel Kaprielian from the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles Division. Registrar Kaprielian discusses ways that the Mass RMV is responding to the needs of Western Mass. Kaprielian also talks about the implications of the newly created Massachusetts Department of Transportation. MassDOT, which consists of several consolidated state agencies including the RMV, was created by the Commonwealth to establish a streamlined and efficient transportation organization.

The viewing schedule varies depending on your local cable access provider. Copies have been sent to the following stations that serve towns in the Second Berkshire District:

Falls Cable of Shelburne Falls
Northfield Cable Access
Northern Berkshire Community Television
Lanesboro Community Television
Pittsfield Community Television

In addition to finding the show on local television stations, “The Denis Guyer Show” is also available as a video podcast on iTunes (via PCTV) and soon can be seen on YouTube. For further information on upcoming episodes, and local listings, including a link to watch online, visit www.denisguyer.com. “The Denis Guyer Show” is seen monthly throughout the 2nd Berkshire District which consists of twenty-two towns in Berkshire, Franklin, and Hampshire counties.
Click here to watch "The Denis Guyer Show"

Updated Office Hours and Locations

Due to the overwhelming response of constituents visiting during office hours in Dalton, Richmond, Shelburne and Lanesborough, Representative Guyer is pleased to announce he will be adding a 5th town to the weekly office hours schedule. Starting Friday, December 11th, he will be holding office hours in the Town of Hinsdale every Friday from 8:30-12:30. The updated office hours for the 2nd Berkshire District are as follows:

Monday: Dalton Town Hall 9-4
Tuesday Richmond Town Hall 9-4
Wednesday: Shelburne Town Hall 9:30-4
Thursday: Lanesborough Town Hall: 9-4
Friday Hinsdale Town Hall: 8:30-12:30

Residents of any of the 22 towns that make up the Second Berkshire District are welcome to visit the District Aide or Rep. Guyer to discuss any questions or concerns you have concerning your state government. Appointments are not necessary but encouraged. Please contact District Aide, Stephanie Gravalese-Wood at 413-358-3354.